Már Másson Maack Már Másson Maack

Garbage, at your disposal

An issue of TNW’s newsletter, Big Spam

Hey spammin’ fam, Már is back.

Here’s a disgusting pic of my sink:

When I was a kid I was fascinated by a mysterious fictional piece of tech: garbage disposals.

There was a particularly terrifying Treehouse of Horrors episode of The Simpsons I used to obsess over. A pushy sales robot sells Marge an ‘Ultrahouse 3000’ to smartify their home.

The upgraded house had tons of amazing features, like a fully-automated kitchen where the dining room table would clean itself. It did so by raising each half, so the leftover food would slide down into a hole in the middle of the table, where it was received by whirling blades that chopped it up and disposed of it.

Eventually the home’s HAL 9000-like persona, voiced by Pierce Brosnan (that’s freaking James Bond!), tries to kill Homer by dumping him into the garbage disposal — awesome.

Feast your eyes on this, kids.

As a kid I kept thinking how rad The Simpsons were and how no other show could come close to its brilliance. Not only was it HILARIOUS, but also came up with awesome sci-fi stuff on top of that.

But then something weird happened. I started to notice these sci-fi ‘garbage disposal’ things cropping up in other TV shows.

It ranged from casual scenes where a character would flip a switch near the sink, but instead of a light being turned on, there was a soft grinding noise — to more serious horror like in NBC’s Heroes (remember that? HIRO! amirite?) where the indestructible cheerleader shoves her hand down a garbage disposal.

The thing is, growing up outside the US while fanatically watching American television, there were tons of things I had to piece together on my own. What’s the difference between East Coast and West Coast? So a ‘harvard’ is stuff for smart people? How long is a ‘block’ and which one is Jenny from?

So in the end, I came to the conclusion that ‘garbage disposals’ must be real in America, although I had never seen it in any country I had ever visited and no matter how weird they seemed. (BTW according to the fascinating Wikipedia page on garbage disposals, they basically only exist in the US, with the only other adoption being 6% of homes in the UK and mere 3% in Canada — so young Már wasn't that stupid).

Now... in the time it took me to write up this Big Spam, could I theoretically have cleaned my sink? Well, let me tell you what. Shut your stupid face.

Despite not having seen a real-life garbage disposal to this day, I’m still clinging to the vague hope that somehow one will magically show up in my sink — cuz I ain’t cleaning it.

Top trending tech news

🤔 Facebook is issuing a $100K challenge to build an AI that can identify hateful memes (TNW)

📱Huawei is re-releasing the P30 Pro so it can keep Google apps (Plugged)

What we’re talking about

David Lynch, contact tracing, and Tony Hawk...

📺 This tool will tell you when a TV series starts to suck.

🎇 YouTube weather reports by David Lynch is the coronavirus surrealism we need.

😮 This Indian programmer hacked the country's mandatory contact tracing app, so that he always appear safe. (Buzzfeed)

🤖 This robotic basketball hoop can make any klutz shoot like Michael Jordan.

👌 Instagram is making it much easier to delete troll comments in bulk.

🛹 Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 and 2 are getting gorgeous remasters.

👍 Here are some tips for coping with the lockdown as a working parent, according to Vimeo’s SVP.

🎁 A gift for you.

Tweet of the day

Pretty ugly poll

Yesterday we asked you to choose between W λ R-1Ø and W λLΨ 1-61. 53.8% you chose W λLΨ 1-61.

Today, garbage disposals?



Mommy my fingers are gone

We'll leave you with this...

Love you, mean it,

TNW Editorial

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Már Másson Maack Már Másson Maack

hot cousins near you

An issue of TNW’s newsletter, Big Spam

Sup spammin’ fam, Már is back to brighten your day. Today’s topic: incest.

Now, like most of you, I haven’t been able to go to parties in the last few months. Of course that sucks, but I’ve found there's a fortunate by-product of not being able to meet new people over drinks. I no longer get the question “isn’t it true that you have an app to stop you from fucking your cousin?”

Wait, what?

Lemme explain. I’m from Iceland and whenever I tell people that, I get the usual fawning "OMG I’ve always wanted to go" or "I visited last year AND IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE ON EARTH AND I WANNA POKE MY EYES OUT BECAUSE THEY'LL NEVER WITNESS SUCH BEAUTY AGAIN" — you know, the usual.

But there’s also one myth that almost every single person I’ve met seems to believe:

“You guys, have like, a dating app that checks whether you’re too related to date, right? You know, cuz all the incest.”


Back in 2013 (seven years ago!), some jokesters at the Icelandic ‘Sad Engineer Studios’ created a feature to test out smartphones’ ‘bump’ function for a genealogy app. They jokingly named it Sifjaspellsspillirinn (gotta love the Icelandic language), or the ‘Incest Desistor/Disruptor’ where you’d ‘bump phones, before you bump uglies.’

The world media absolutely LOVED this story — LOL these sheep farmers on the edge of the world have an app to keep them from fucking their cousins — and threw out headlines such as “Some Icelanders Are Accidentally Dating a Relative and Now There’s an App for That,” “Kissing cousins? Icelandic app warns if your date is a relative,” and the BBC even doing a special video segment titled “Icelandic phone app stops you dating close relatives.”

But let me be clear, I’ve never met an Icelandic person using a ‘cousin dating app’ or the ‘bump uglies’ feature, ever. You hear that, BBC?!

These are the nerds responsible for me having to answers questions about incest at every single party.

...but if I’m being completely honest, the reason why this myth is still being brought up in random parties, seven years after its inception, is because it’s also kinda true.

In Iceland, we have incredibly detailed genealogy records going back to basically the first settlers in 874. Those records have also been digitized and *sigh* it’s also now an app called Íslendingabók, a.k.a. ‘The Book of Icelanders.’

You can look up any other Icelander in the app, and get a detailed outline of how exactly you’re related — and most of us Icelanders are.

We aren’t that related though, and it's a small country so we know who's supposed to be on our no-no list for dating (although we only draw the line at 3rd cousins, rest is our sexual playground).

So when Icelanders throw big festivals, odds might only be 1/1000 that you might hook up with your cousin. But as Hafsteinn Einarsson with the University of Iceland’s Social Science Research Institute put it: “Although the odds are small for an individual, the odds 1/1000 mean that such incidents can occur regularly in society. People simply have sex that often.”

In conclusion, technically you could use the genealogy app to check if you’re dating your cousin (my girlfriend and I are 7th/8th cousins), but it’s not made for that. However, that’s a much more boring story for the outside world.

Anyways, at least you’ve now got a fresh and boring new anecdote on Icelandic incest tech which you can whip out at your next party (which I guess will be in 2021?). You’re welcome.

Top trending tech news

🤖 Microsoft’s pause on facial recognition sales could speed up federal rules (Neural)

🎮 Sony revealed the Playstation 5 (TNW)

What we’re talking about

Zoom justice, vaccines, and Quibi...

👀 How fair is 'Zoom justice?'

💉 Here's an informative coronavirus vaccine tracker. (NY Times)

🐦 Twitter's new test will guilt you for retweeting unread articles.

🚗 Uber and Lyft will risk closure in California if they don’t provide employee benefits to drivers.

🤔 How can we turn filming the police into the end of police brutality? (MIT Tech Review)

💻 Tech and engineering terms such as 'master' and 'slave' might need an update. (CNET)

🤖 Quibi’s app is slowly improving — but is the world ready for it?

🚲 Uber is scrapping its unusable Jump ebikes.

🎁 A gift for you.

Tweet of the day

Pretty ugly poll

Last time, Callum asked if three hours a day too long to spend on your phone. 62% of you said "Hold my beer and check out THESE Screen Time stats."


Dating your third cousin is...

Crime against nature!

Fun story for family gatherings

We'll leave you with this...

Love you, mean it,

TNW Editorial

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Már Másson Maack Már Másson Maack


An issue of TNW’s newsletter, Big Spam

Helloooo Biggeth Spamlords, Már’s here to ease the pain of existence.

How do we convey what we truly feel? How do we unveil what lurks inside our throbbing blood bags?

The answer is obvious: an online medieval tapestry generator.

Behold, Historic Tale Construction Kit — Bayeux!

Embroider me like one of your French girls

Based on the famous Bayeux Tapestry, the tool allows you to make your own digital tapestry, depicting your story.

I can hear you gasp with amazement, but also ask: “Ok, this is a neat tool, but why is it so important for fEeLiNgS?”

Let me inform you, serf.

Writer’s block, despair, bullshit, and then preaching to the masses

In the past year, we’ve gotten all too familiar with the communicative limitations of Zoom, Slack, and the like. Whether it’s choppy video, or the blunt written word, all I know is there must be another way. A better way.

And there is. A digital tapestry.

A tapestry tells a story, rife with emotion and packed with layers of meaning — and the tool allows you to create one without any artistic skills.

Let’s workshop this. You call in sick. Your boss gives off a weird vibe. Simply send them one of these bad boys:

The beauty is that the tapestry hides and displays your nagging self-doubt. It taps into your need for approval, presenting it through the conduit of embroidery and dudes holding… a bunch of hoses?

It’s the perfect communication tool. Check out this real-life example:

Look at Callum’s remark. Is it hostile? Aloof? Befuddled? Impossible to know.

But my reply? That drips with meaning and emotion.

Not only does it convey the deference I have for my colleagues — peasants in awe of an angelic messenger — it’s also more detailed, reaffirming the noon-time call in a sunny and cheerful manner. There are also birds in the corner.

No one is in doubt of my meaning or feelings, it’s a perfect example of communication.

Do you want to thrive this workweek? Then you better get cracking on your tapestries.

Top trending tech news

💰 Coinbase's IPO is on April 14 — here's what we know about it (Hard Fork)

😵 Spot the robot dog enlists in the French Army, dies... kinda (Neural)

🚶 Google will give you a ‘Heads Up’ when you’re walking on your phone… and Darwin weeps (Plugged)

What we’re talking about

Cyborg monkeys, AI sadomasochism, and terrified aliens.

😮 These new iOS icons may give us a glimpse of Apple’s upcoming design language. Excited? No? WELL I AM.

🤖 My colleague Tom's sadomasochist relationship with AI is a beaut — this time he got the threateningly positive AI trainer Jeremy to whip him into shape.

👽 If you're an alien (Big Spam's got amazing reach) then you should be terrified of NASA's new space telescope.

🚲 Every morning, you ask yourself "hub motor or mid-drive, which is the right ebike for me?" We've got the answer.

🌍 Now for the deep geo-political questions you've come to expect in Big Spam: Should countries ever respond to cyberattacks with physical force?

🐵 This cyborg monkey can play Pong with its mind. Neat.

🍬 A gift for you.

Tweet of the day

We'll leave you with this...

Love you, mean it,

TNW Editorial

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